Your Horse Won’t Forget Stressfull Experiences

Campdrafting started to become popular in Australia in the late 1970s. I was about eighteen when I started competing at local campdrafts and like most eighteen year olds, I thought I knew everything. However, after getting cracked off (disqualified) more times than I care to remember, it finally dawned on me that maybe I didn’t … Read more

Pressure and Relief in Horse Training

Most horse training is based on pressure and relief. Everyone uses pressure and relief in some way shape or form, even those who say they don’t. Pressure can be described as anything that a horse finds uncomfortable or unpleasant or worrying. No matter how slight the discomfort, unpleasantness or worry may be, it’s still pressure. … Read more

Chasing a Horse From the Ground Won’t Help


When your horse is overfed and fresh and feeling frisky, lungeing him before you ride will help to get the excess energy out of his system. However, if your horse shies, rears, kicks up or uses other unwanted behaviour when you ride him, there’s absolutely no point getting off and chasing him from the ground. … Read more

Your Safety is the Most Important Thing

A friend of mine recently bought a stock horse mare at the local horse sale. ‘I got a bargain,’ he said. ‘She’s only seven years old and she goes great. Let me show you.’ He rode the mare around and she danced and pranced and jigged and jogged and was very nervous and worried. She … Read more