My Horses Rushes When I Lead Him to His Paddock. How Can I Stop This?

Question: I recently bought an 11-year-old TB gelding with a potentially dangerous habit. This horse is a bit high energy, but he generally behaves well both on the ground and under saddle. The problem comes when I turn him out after riding him. As we approach the gate to his paddock, he rushes up to … Read more

My Young Mare Has Suddenly Started Being Nasty to Other Horses. How Do I Stop This?

Question: My young mare has suddenly started being nasty to other horses (I’ve had her since a foal and she’s always been sweet natured). She is now 5. I know I can’t do anything about how she treats her paddock mates. But lately she’s started lungeing violently with her teeth bared at other horses tied … Read more

My Horse has a ‘Cold Back’. What Can I Do?

Question from a reader: “I’m about to lease a horse, who the owners say is ‘cold-backed’. Apparently he dips or humps his back when first under saddle, sometimes bucks, and is better when you lunge him for a bit before mounting. Is this a physical (medical) thing, or a training/behavioural issue? Any suggestions?” Sue, via … Read more

My Mare Attacks Other Horses In Her Paddock

Q: Hi I have a question about mares…we’ve recently acquired a 12 year old TB mare (our first young mare). She is generally respectful and nice to handle. But she has major social issues with other horses – she simply cannot be in the same paddock as even through the fence any interaction with other … Read more