Annette McFadgen
Love this book Neil.
I have followed to the letter and so far have had great success my foal.
She is now a yearling, and loves everyone, and is inquisitive about everything.
I re -read bits as I get to different stages so I get it right ( as much as I can).
The float (trailer) training was THE BEST!
My foal / almost yearling, had to travel for 4 hours to our new home and was completely relaxed, better than her mum actually.
Arrived as happy as a lark…so lovely to experience.
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The ultimate guide to training and understanding your horse – using co-operation and trust.
Step-by-step instruction for everything you’ve ever dreamed of being able to do with your horse
Over 300 colour photographs across 224 in-depth pages
Comprehensive guidance on leg handling, trailer loading, riding and leading problems
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