Debbie Kelly

It’s made me realise the importance of first contact with my horse. Till I read the book I was always thinking of the next lesson without getting basics right.

Yanina paterson

I have a young 5 year old welsh cob who I have had from 1 hour old. I have pretty much gone down the same path but I few things I see now I could have done better. I feel bad can put these I practice even though he’s older. Wish I had read this … Read more

Rachel Gleghorn

Very practical text that focuses on the main considerations when handling horses. From a learning perspective, I enjoyed the repetition of particular training behaviours (being clear, consistent, quick to respond, touching horses heads) – it really helped cement the ideas. Demystified the idea that you have to work miricles around horses… really it’s a case … Read more

Sue Barker

I read the book from someone else and thought it was great and something I can return to if problems arise, awesome book to keep forever.

Scott McGuren

The methods make practical sense and are explained in a way that is easy to understand and follow.

Tony Getson

Sensible approach to developing a relationship with you horse.