Candace Keach

I have been reading his book Fear-free Horse Training – every step of the way. I love his approach and training methods. I have been using them with my 8yr old quarter horse who came to me with a lot of issues. Every time we work together, using Neil’s methods, I can feel Journey softening, … Read more

Jane Riseley

You can always learn something more in horse handling the more you read. Plus I like the firm but kind approach.

Brian Drewry

Neill’s book has really caused me to re-examine some of the “natural” horsemanship methods I’ve learned over the past 10+ yrs. Still working through the book, but good results are showing with the almost 3 yr old filly I’m working with.

Anne Shaw

I loved the book because it brings everything back to basic level and teaches us to have patience with our horses and to give them the time they deserve so both horse and rider will benefit.

Lisa Beattie

Reading your book gives me validation that what I have been doing with foals both in NZ and Aust has been the right way of handling I have been very fortunate to work with two very knowledgeable people both using almost identical methods to Neil resulting in happy confident young horses.

Hollie Bakerboljkovac

Really great, straight forward information that works! As a brand new horseperson, Neil’s book is the first thing that makes perfect sense while providing practical tools for getting to know my horse. Thank you!

Kelly Wilkinson

I’m following your basic methods and my filly is responding well.

Alison Clark

Fascinating and informative with lots of useful things to include in a training programme.

Brian Corbett

Your book is so comprehensive… you also explain it so perfectly… you are in a genius and to treat the horses with kindness means so much… will treasure this book for generations!!

Julie Elsner

Dear Neil, I truly want to thank you for sharing your way of being with the horses. My horses and I are now on our way to a trusting, relaxed relationship. Today was incredible! Using your methods and being very careful not to scare my horses we had the most fun and relaxing time together. … Read more