Robin Watson

I enrolled in your Starting a Horse Under Saddle Online Clinic. For the last few weeks, I’ve used your method to work with my Gypsy Vanner, Pistol, who is a 3 year old gelding. I’m so pleased with how fast he is learning and how I, now, recognize when he is “worried” versus when he … Read more

Vickie Griffis

The money I invested in the Starting a Horse Under Saddle Online Clinic is proving to be one of the best things I have ever done to help me become a better horseman. You may not realize that your quiet, calm, steady demeanor not only positively impacts the horse, but also the human who is … Read more

Ruth Mayes

Neil is a pioneer, everybody who owns or interacts with horses should read Neil’s book. His book will teach you all you need to know in how to manage your horse and build a relationship with him. It will most importantly teach you how to make your horse confident and happy.

Nick Weber

Mr. Davies, thank you. I have read and re-read your book, studied your videos, and contemplated your philosophy and vision. Thank you, for me and for my horses. I’ve seen the rest, but no one, and I mean no one, does what you do. The difference in my horses speaks volumes for you as well. … Read more

Karen Zelinsky

I have just purchased the Starting a Horse Under Saddle Online Clinic and am only two videos in & loving what it is teaching me! I’m no professional … I have a horse that kicks and won’t let me touch him past the neck … Already after two short 10min sessions following Neil’s training I … Read more

Vireena Peacock

Hi Neil, I took receipt of your book this week and read it cover to cover in two days. Your methodology clicked with me immediately. I bought the book for two reasons, one – I don’t believe in using fear when dealing with any sentient being – people, dogs or horses and two – my … Read more

Donna Tinsley

I’m an experienced rider. But had a series of falls and injuries and lost my nerve, and that meant every time I got on a horse I was emotionally transmitting fear. And as a result my horse was fearful. Neil’s book pointed out such basic fundamentals of the emotional relation ship you have with a … Read more

Gina Snyder Hill

The pony that couldn’t be caught, that couldn’t be ridden bareback, that dumped her on her head. Your book changed this pony’s life and how I train my horses. Thank you! She is so confident now and much less fearful. She doesn’t miss my stick/bag waving stupidity at all.